Sunday, October 19, 2008

When you're drunk/high/whatever certain senses start to fail you... particularly when you turn all the lights off... so you begin to optimize certain functions. Like telling if a beer is empty or not. Chances are you'll pick up a beer and need to know 'is this empty.' You'll pick it up, probably swirl it around a bit, but you know what... that doesn't tell you anything you didn't already know. Your a drunk. You knew as soon as you picked it up just how full/empty it was; everything else was just muscle memory... and that's how you keep from spilling beer when your too fucked up to know what senses to trust.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

So I'm Sitting There Musing and He Says...

We are finishing up Palin debate and I'm musing to myself rather loudly and Many looks up and says to me, Nathan you need to start blogging this. I think it might have just been a sarcastic response to what has to be one of the most insensitive things I've said in almost a month... or it might have been an underhanded way of saying "go kill yourself" ... because I can only hope that someone might feel so strongly about a blog these days.

So what exactly was I musing you ask?

Well its so kind of you to take an interest. I was thinking to myself (in that uniquely seductive way I talk to myself when I'm otherwise bored) and I was thinking that when McCain got elected president (because lets face it, Obama is.... inexperienced... and Mexicans hate inexperienced people so, there's no way he can take CA) anyways when McCain gets elected then McCain will undoubtedly die.... And then Palin will be president.

So I figured it was a good idea to get to know this seemingly bat-shit-crazy WOMAN who will soon be our new president. Somehow listening to the woman I started to get the feeling that she was ready to go to war with the entire planet, I mean pretty much every middle eastern state, Canada and Russia... I was just waiting for her to whip out a map of the US and say to the camera... "you see these blue states ::dramatic pause:: terrorists!" But she didn't, so I came away from the event feeling a little shook up and not entirely satisfied.

And I started thinking, this really wasn't a world I wanted to live in. So I calmly declared my intent to leave for Canada, before we set up some sort of wall.

And then it dawned on me. Sarah Palin would set back feminism 100 years, single handedly. And than I started thinking: just what was the state of feminism 100 years ago?

OF COURSE, women would finally be objects again. I could buy myself a woman and end all my current tribulations....

I'm voting Palin.

So Its All Gone I Guess

Can't find my old blog, I suppose it's gone after all this time. Oh well.

Anyways I have PLENTY of musings so it would be a shame to deny all you, my faithful Internet listeners the pleasure of knowing my mind. Ok, J. it would be a shame to deny you (and only you I suppose) from the incoherent, mean-spirited, rants and raves of my booze addled mind.

I guess it's not so much a shame, not even an oversight, rather a service... BUT FUCK it I'm here and ranting already so maybe you can derive some enjoyment out of it.